If you truly want to be right with God then it will not matter what the cost is. Think about it. How many of us have spent a large investment on something because you wanted it so bad. You have no problem making large payments for your house. You have no problem making sacrifices when it means you get to drive in a brand new car with all the extras.
Let’s be honest, many of us are willing to give our all for something we can have that is material. So many crave the latest fashion instead of a fresh blessing from our relationship with Jesus Christ. Imagine if we were to seek first the items that pertain to the Kingdom of God. Now, let’s be honest.
So many of us enjoy a free Gift. After all, many took the gift of Salvation when it was presented right? But Jesus said something powerful right from the start of His ministry. He said; Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. When we think of giving up sin, many of us think we are giving up something we still desire. Hmmm… Jesus said
Mar 10:21 Then Jesus, looking at him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.”
Counting the cost as a believer is about the price we pay to benefit from all the wonderful blessing that God has made available to you. So what does God want?
He wants you to quite hurting yourself by allow God to be first place in your life instead of yourself. This is the great repentance we should be talking about. We do things our ways instead of God’s. The popular term is known as REPENTANCE.
Every time you do things your own way you are not doing it God’s way. Can you start allowing God to lead you? Can you repent of not letting God lead you? Great!
This is the cost. God knows what is best for you. So let’s start letting God be first and watch what happens. I promise you it is the greatest investment. The benefit of repentance is the peace that is not of the world but of God. Yes, You can experience a great peace and joy when you let go and let God rule in your life.
Count the cost today and let Jesus in.
We will look at this more as I write new posts. enjoy the Lord God today. He is a “good good father”.